
Rhubarb grows abundantly in Poland. When its fleshy stalks have acquired a pinkish red colour, the taste has reached maximum sweetness next to its recognizable note of bitterness. Rhubarb realises its full potential in premium bakery applications, but is also suitable for dairy preparations and jam. Available in slices and dices.

Product details

  • Countries

    Poland, Belgium

  • Cut sizes

    non-calibrated slice

  • Variety

    Frambosa (Poland)

    Goliath (Belgium)

  • Colour

    Frambosa: red

    Goliath: green

  • Taste Profile

    Frambosa: very acid

    Goliath: less acid

  • Brix

    Frambosa: 2-4

    Goliath: >3

  • Applications
