
Serbian soils bear a variety of plum that is soft-skinned, sweet and of juicy pulp. We harvest them at peak ripeness, clean, pit and cut in halves or quarters right before the flash-freezing. Suitable for diverse applications, our plums are the everyday heroes of bakery and artisan products such as plum pies, clafoutis, crumbles, compotes and jams.

Product details

  • Countries

    Serbia, Bulgaria

  • Cut sizes

    Cacanka: halves, L30-50mm

    Stanley: halves, L35-60mm

    Gabrowska: L35-45mm, W30-40mm

    Pozegaca: halves, L30-40mm

  • Variety

    Cacanka (Serbia)

    Stanley (Serbia)

    Gabrowska (Bulgaria)

    Pozegaca (Serbia)

  • Colour

    purple skin, yellow/brown inside

  • Taste Profile


  • Brix

    Cacanka: 10-14

    Stanley: 13-18

    Gabrowska: 12-15

    Pozegaca: 16-18

  • Applications

    pastry, jams, salads, fruit mixes, snacks